Wednesday, April 3, 2013

March Painting Marathon - Day 30

March Painting Marathon - Day 30
Day 30 - short video of painting experience

 The Canal. oil on canvas. 30 x 48 inches. March 30th. 2013. Price: $2200
 starting the painting - process / stages
 starting the painting - process / stages

 starting the painting - process / stages

 Finished painting on location
close up of painting - detail

close up of painting - detail

close up of painting - detail
close up of painting - detail

close up of painting - detail 

close up of painting - detail 

close up of painting - detail
Selected Media Coverage: March Painting Marathon.
CTV News - Regional Contact (Joel Haslem)
Ottawa Citizen (Arts Section - Peter Simpson)
CBC (Alan Neal - All in A Day)  - interview on location

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