Monday, August 20, 2012

Contest for Artists/Photographers

General Contest Information

The effects of infertility and childlessness can be devastating - to the person, the couple, the extended family, and the broader community. 

The purpose of this competition is to share multiple perspectives on infertility through art and to tell the stories that are seldom told or understood. We felt that art (photography, painting, poetry/prose) would be a good vehicle to communicate the emotions and sentiments that shape how we experience infertility as individuals, as extended family members and as members of a community.
While this competition provides those who have had to deal with infertility an opportunity to convey their personal struggle, it also provides a challenge to others - who might not have had a personal experience with infertility - to explore the issue infertility through artistic expression. This competition aims to engage the broader community in a dialogue about something so personal, yet central to who we are as human beings.  
It is hoped that the works produced through this event will generate many perspectives and a deeper understanding about the struggles of those trying to conceive, and an acknowledgment of the effects on our society.  

We welcome you to attend the launch of this art competiton on August 23rd at the downtown Delta Hotel in Ottawa.
This competition is open to all.  We welcome and support contributions from professional and amateur artists.
  • Photography
  • Painting/mixed media
  • Poetry/prose
  • $1,500 per category - $1,000 for 1st prize; $500 for 2nd prize.
  • Awards sponsored by the Ottawa Fertility Centre
  • This is a community event and participation is welcome and open to all. We particularly welcome and encourage both professional and amateur artists
  • Employees of, members of the immediate family of, or those domiciled with an employee or owner of the Ottawa Fertility Centre as well contest volunteers, judges, and members of their immediate families. “Immediate family” is defined as parents, siblings, children or spouse.


August 23, 2012 from 6:00 pm to 9:00pm
Delta Hotel, Pinnacle Room
101 Lyon Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1R 5T9      
Reception, entertainment, light hors d’oevres, and information about the competition
Guest Speaker from New Cap Radio's Hot 89.9 s
Admission is free.

For more information, please click on link below.