Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Bruce House Inundated with Love

This Patrick John Mills now hangs in the main office area at Bruce House.
Love came and stayed at the offices of Bruce House in Ottawa this morning.  Since 1988, this community-based organization has provided supportive and compassionate housing for people with AIDS or who are HIV positive.

The front entrance, hallways and offices were decorated in shades of brown and beige, standard for admin areas, but after a battered red Caravan pulled in front of the low-rise office building and several loads of art were hoisted to the fourth floor, it was like a crazy interior decorator had pillaged the National Gallery and arrived with art for everyone.

Paintings, acrylics and oils, large, small and in between, one, a panel of two which subsequently filled the boardroom wall, all manners of expressive work were assembled on a capacious oval table while large canvases were propped against the walls.

Staff circled the room mesmerized by the plenitude of creativity dropped into their laps. They chose art for the walls of their offices, and helped choose canvases for common areas, as Patrick followed with his drill and screws. Everything went up as it was held in place, "You like it here?" Patrick asked, " Great, this is where it goes."

The works came from the December 2011 show, The Art of Giving, donated by participating artists, similar to other years when work was given to Rideauwood  Addiction and Family Services and at the Elizabeth Fry Society.

We both agreed that it was a fun-filled morning and time well-spent. Patrick summed it up,  "We build community by sharing," adding, "It feels good to give."

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