For many years I have painted with out a heated studio. Over the past twenty years. 70 % of my studio or painting conditions have been without heat. So I am so happy to have a wood burning stove in my studio. Wow. It really is nice to be warm in the winter while working. Really makes a significant increase in comfort level. The heat is warmly welcomed.
This morning I was painting with intense focus, passion, rawness, love, flood of energy. I had such an overwhelming heart beat in my soul and high level of concentration... well I managed to complete four paintings. I had been working on these canvases for many months. I had tried several times to complete these canvases for the best part of a year. But failed each time.
But today everything just seemed to find itself pure and filled with passion.
I am happy to share the images of the paintings below.
Patrick John Mills
Patrick John Mills
Inner Fire. Oil on canvas. 8 x 10 inches (small painting)
Spring 2012 - Feb 1st 2013. Price: $120
Spring 2012 - Feb 1st 2013. Price: $120
Patrick John Mills
After painting the three Red and Black paintings titled: Inner Fire.
I was so free in my palette... I continued to paint this below painting. It was really pure freedom.
Improvisation (lost). oil on canvas. 12 x 24 inches. Fall - Feb 1st 2013. Price: $260
I was so free in my palette... I continued to paint this below painting. It was really pure freedom.
Improvisation (lost). oil on canvas. 12 x 24 inches. Fall - Feb 1st 2013. Price: $260
Patrick John Mills
Live Love Art