Wednesday, April 3, 2013

March Painting Marathon - Day 31

March Painting Marathon - Day 31

Day 31 - short video
The Canal. oil on canvas. 38 x 78 inches. March 31st, 2013. Price: $3000
Artist: Patrick John Mills
photo of finished painting on location

close up of painting (detail) 

close up of painting (detail) 

close up of painting (detail) 

close up of painting (detail)

close up of painting (detail)

 close up of painting (detail)
close up of painting (detail) 

close up of painting (detail)
Selected Media Coverage: March Painting Marathon.
CTV News - Regional Contact (Joel Haslem)
Ottawa Citizen (Arts Section - Peter Simpson)
CBC (Alan Neal - All in A Day) - interview on location

 Wished to share the stages of the painting... the process

 Stages of the painting / process
 Stages of the painting / process (starting to build up the foundations of the sky)
 Stages of the painting / process
 Stages of the painting / process (measuring out the horizontal elements / balance)
 Stages of the painting / process
make a mess... keep it open and free
details comes out of chaos and form
 Stages of the painting / process
starting to define spaces
 Stages of the painting / process
building out the structure of the painting
 Stages of the painting / process
Stages of the painting / process
starting to add colour

Stages of the painting / process

 finished work. once the structure and form is all done
the details all fall into place.

March Painting Marathon - Day 30

March Painting Marathon - Day 30
Day 30 - short video of painting experience

 The Canal. oil on canvas. 30 x 48 inches. March 30th. 2013. Price: $2200
 starting the painting - process / stages
 starting the painting - process / stages

 starting the painting - process / stages

 Finished painting on location
close up of painting - detail

close up of painting - detail

close up of painting - detail
close up of painting - detail

close up of painting - detail 

close up of painting - detail 

close up of painting - detail
Selected Media Coverage: March Painting Marathon.
CTV News - Regional Contact (Joel Haslem)
Ottawa Citizen (Arts Section - Peter Simpson)
CBC (Alan Neal - All in A Day)  - interview on location

March Painting Marathon - Day 29

March Painting Marathon - Day 29

Short video - on location
correct time was 7:30 am  (lost track of time - not 6:30am)
By the 29th of March... I had been really tired. I was getting burnt out.  So I decided to paint early in the morning.  Get it done... so that I could have the rest of the day off and rest.  Needed a way to have a break.
Sussex Drive. oil on canvas. 18 x 24 inches. March 29. 2013. Price: $500
Artist: Patrick John Mills

close up of painting - (detail)

 close up of painting - (detail)

close up of painting - (detail)
Wished to share the below... I was just so happy... driving to go work.  Wished to share my state of mind before arriving on location.  Live Love Art.
driving to work.. - time to go paint
driving to work - roads are pretty empty.

on location at the break of day
Selected Media Coverage: March Painting Marathon.
CTV News - Regional Contact (Joel Haslem)
Ottawa Citizen (Arts Section - Peter Simpson)
CBC (Alan Neal - All in A Day) - interview on location
Live Love Art

March Painting Marathon - Day 28

March Painting Marathon - Day 28

Day 28 - short video

Aritst: Patrick John Mills talks about his landscape oil painting
The Canal on location at the end of the day of painting.
Selected Media Coverage: March Painting Marathon.
CTV News - Regional Contact (Joel Haslem)
Ottawa Citizen (Arts Section - Peter Simpson)
CBC (Alan Neal - All in A Day) - interview on location
March Painting Marathon - Day 28
The Canal. oil on canvas. 30 x 44 inches. March 28th. 2013. Price: $2000

 I had to use a heater and a fan.. so that the gesso would dry.
 Starting the painting... process / stages of the painting
 Patrick S. Green and myself working on the Mackenzie Bridge together
 process / stages of the painting

process / stages of the painting  (fly landed on the wet painting)
March Painting Marathon - Day 28
The Canal. oil on canvas. 30 x 44 inches. March 28th. 2013. Price: $2000

 photo of finished work on location.
close up of painting (detail)

close up of painting (detail)

close up of painting (detail)

close up of painting (detail)

close up of painting (detail)

I love how the sky and the building blend together