Yellow in my Soul
Yellow in my Mind
Sunshine in my Heart
Sunshine dances inside of Me.
Specifically for the past year I have been thinking about how each colour relates to the energy inside of my soul.
My bedroom was a big window. Every morning the sun opens my day. I do not have curtains. I just love to start the day with the sunshine.
Most mornings I lay there and connect with the energy.
Yellow has been a dominate colour in my palette for some time now. I just love the colour yellow. It just feels so good. I feel it is the Sun SunShine Son.
I do not do yoga. I am not that serious about my research about the chakra energy. Meditation is not something I have developed. I am a pretty intense person. So I think about something a lot. And I really just try to focus, connect myself, centre myself.
While doing these paintings I felt so connected to the sunshine.
The levels of balance. A state of sunshine mind. Everything in pure light. The mind is clear. Soul is embracing Sunshine. So Sweet. Nature is so beautiful. A soliloquy of yellow. A dream about a Lady.
Live yellow dreams
Field of Dreams. oil on canvas. 32 x 40 inches. April 18, 2012. Price: $1200
close up of above painting
Sun Dreams. oil on canvas. 28 x 36 inches. April 18th, 2012. Price: $1200
This painting has such fine subtle elements... it really has to be seen in the flesh.
close up of above painting
painting on location
painting on location
Patrick S. Greene joined me and we painted together.
We had a great, amazing time.